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That the boreal winters have been cooling is pretty much a known fact among researchers.  The reason for this is currently anything but sett...

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Doing your own research using supercomputers and a vast array of scientific information ...

Doing your own research using supercomputers and a vast array of scientific information at speeds our ancestors would find impossible to believe!

Including the ability to instantly create animations/movies illustrating the data, images and graphs, with a few clicks of a mouse or touchpad. 

This is no fantasy, no science fiction imaginings, it's possible, and I do it every day.  When I was young, before super computers even existed, it would take years to do what I can do in a minute now.  And the results would have been a pathetic (by current standards) and boring.  And on paper.  And almost nobody would ever even look at it.  

The sheer volume of information, easily displayed, is overwhelming. In 5 minutes I can easily gather and save enough information to write a thesis, including hundreds of graphs and an animation as well.

It's ironic that it's easier to gather the information now than it is to put it inane kind of framework/display to show somebody else.  And since my experience is that almost NOBODY ON THE ENTIRE PLANET is interested, I rarely do.  Looking at my blogs you can abundant evidence of this.  But that is something almost nobody will ever do as well.

Like this blog post.  The odds are NOT A SINGLE HUMAN WILL EVER READ IT, and if they do, they won't understand it, or care.

It's really just for my use.  I am not kidding

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I don't want to get into a conversation over any of this on my blog, but if you post something scientific, it will appear after I look at it first. You can blame spammers for that little slice of hell.