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More facts that won't really matter (cooling boreal winters)

That the boreal winters have been cooling is pretty much a known fact among researchers.  The reason for this is currently anything but sett...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why facts are the last thing that matter when it's Global Warming (updated Sept 11 2023)

This is a research report about how you can know facts won't matter, and it's also an educational and fun evidence based science post about climate change and global warming.

tl;dr version - the data shows why climatecentral is wrong, and I am right.

Here is how to win every argument, and how to actually argue.

(updated Dec 4 2014 to include latest data from GISS and the NCDC)

ClimateCentral.org produced a "research report", (which is a lot like this blog post, where you take a bunch of FACTS and tell people what is what, because FACTS are how Science! gets done, and producing a "research report" that says something about reality, well, that's important) and they claim US winters are WARMING faster than ever (winter warming accelerated) and winters are warming faster than any other season.  You can read the entire report by following the link.

(update Dec 5 2014 - new climatecentral winter report)

The fast down and dirty, for those with limited time. Here is how climatecentral describes the state of Alabama, which shows cooling for a hundred year trend.

That's right, it's called warming by climatecentral.  A state that is cooling is described as warming.  See how facts can be adjusted?  Just because it looks like it's actually cooling, that is beside the point.  

Speaking of adjusting, since they put out the "report", the NCDC adjusted the data they used, making the report wrong.  (clicking on image will show it full sized)

Notice how the trend is different now? But that is an entire topic, How data gets changed.

The actual real facts are a little different than climatecentral presents them, and this will be obvious after you see them. But that will not matter in this case, since facts depend on what somebody tells you they mean.

You see how they say "winter warming accelerated almost everywhere"?  That's just not the whole truth, and facts will show this.  Even the NCDC data, which has been changed recently, still doesn't show that.  In fact, it shows that summers are warming a LOT faster than winters, for the US.

US summer trend
US winter trend

This actually matches the NH land trend, which also shows how summers are warming, but winters are not.  In fact, winters are cooling! Let the facts speak for themselves.

You see how facts work now?   Because facts won't matter (to some peoples) they will say "Yeah but that is just short term", so you show them thirty years of data, and that also show the same thing, summers warming much faster than winters.  

US winter trend

US summer trend
These are actual facts, right from the official NCDC so you can't argue against them.  Not that this will stop anyone who believes winters are warming faster.

The thirty year trends globally also show this.

Now you might think that would end it, but you would be wrong.  They will just say "So?".

(this is the ultimate end point when facts somebody doesn't like are involved)

So you show them the GISS global data, which is also official data and facts. This clearly shows how summers are warming faster than winters, which really annoys somebody who is sure winters are warming the fastest.

GISS winter trend
Of course they will say "it's too short a time period", because that's how to avoid facts, so you show them 30 years of data.
At which point somebody will try to switch the goal posts, or go off in a huff. Because the facts hammer punched them so hard they realize I am right. Nobody likes somebody else being right, especially about something like global climate change.

Global warming theory says winters have to warm faster as CO2 level rise. You can see this sort of winter warming in the fact based image below.

You can also see how that isn't happening in the image below.  OK  maybe you can't see  it, but scientists can, and they are who matters.

This sort of evidence based science annoys some people, because it doesn't show what they WANT it to show, which is a problem.  They act like when facts don't support you, those facts don't matter.  Which is hilarious. Unless it means your funding dries up, then it sucks.

Here's more facts, which really don't support global warming theory.  This doesn't mean the theory is wrong, it means the facts are wrong.  Winter is cooling, when it should be warming more than any other season.

Summers are warming.

GISS zonal data for winter trend
GISS zonal data for summer trend

The US data matches this, with a clear trend of cooling winter temperatures, and warming summer temperatures.

You can check all these facts for yourself, because it's science.

Now you know why climatecentral is wrong, and why facts will not change their minds.  If you show them the facts, they just change their story, so that they are still right, and you are wrong.

(for a more rational view of this exact same issue, see here)

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I don't want to get into a conversation over any of this on my blog, but if you post something scientific, it will appear after I look at it first. You can blame spammers for that little slice of hell.